
Duck Hunting Fanatics Brand Media Kit

Duck Hunting Fanatics Logo

For all advertising inquiries email: support{at}duckhuntingfanatics.com

Facebook Demographics

Gender: 97% Men/ 3% Women College Graduates: 63%
Age 25-54: 85% Married: 60%
Average HHI: $65,000 Homeowners: 81%


Page Likes: 119,000 (Feb 2022) Post Engagement (Feb 2022): 445,427
Monthly Reach (Feb 2022): 8,277,797 Email Contacts: 12,415 (Feb 2022)

Overview: Duck Hunting Fanatics boasts a tightly targeted group of primarily Men, who love and have an affinity for duck hunting.

They have interest in duck hunting gear, guides, calls, dogs, dog training, country living, guns, ammo, apparel to name a few.

Advertising Opportunities

Starter Package

Facebook Paid Sponsorship Ad (for 7 days) + 1 Email to our subscribers.

Investment: $500

Includes: Writing 1 FB ad, promoting your product for 7 days and 1 hand crafted email to send to our subscriber database.

Growth Package

Facebook Paid Sponsorship Ad (for 30 days) + 2 Emails to our subscribers.

Investment: $1500

Includes: Writing 1 FB ad, promoting your product for 30 days and 2 hand crafted emails to send to our subscriber database.

Featured Sponsorship

Facebook Paid Sponsorship Ad (for 30 days).

Investment: $2,000/ month

Includes: 1 pinned post at the top of Duck Hunting Fanatics Facebook page, up to 8 additional pieces of content to support the pinned post, 4 hand crafted emails to send to our subscriber database.

Blog Sponsored Ad

DuckHuntingFanatics.com Paid Sponsorship Ad (for 30 days).

Investment: $250/ month

Includes: 1 premium ad across all pages on DuckHuntingFanatics.com blog and a full Google Analytics report to verify visits / views. Currently we receive more than 5,000 unique visits per month that would see your offer.

Additional Reach Opportunities: Podcast, Product Reviews, YouTube Video, Product Giveaways and more. We are a creative group of marketers so it’s more about what makes sense for your organization, inquire separately by emailing support @ duckhuntingfanatics.com.

Additional Opportunities: We have additional brands if you’d like to cross promote your product to related people for additional exposure and brand consistency. 



Turkey Hunting Fanatics: 38,809 page likes, 1,424 email contacts.

Deer Hunting Fanatics: 2,771 page likes, 281 email contacts.

Redneck Way: 31,326 page likes, 1,157 email contacts.